English Storybooks Safari for 8-Year-Olds

English Storybooks Safari for 8-Year-Olds

Embark on an enchanting English Adventure that draws inspiration from the rich storytelling traditions of African societies. Designed for 8-year-olds, this course presents 70 captivating stories, each woven around an insightful topic. Dive into comprehensive summaries, engaging home activities, and 280 multiple-choice questions that enhance comprehension and retention. Whether you prefer reading or listening, vibrant visuals accompany each story, creating a truly immersive learning experience. Participate in interactive activities and quizzes that transform education into a thrilling adventure. Join us on this remarkable educational journey, where every topic leads to lasting knowledge and enjoyment while learning through storytelling. Immerse yourself in English topics, enhancing language proficiency, and composition skills, and instilling positive values. Start your English Safari 3 adventure today!

1,400.00 KSh
1400.0 KES 1,400.00 KSh
1,400.00 KSh
Responsible Eric Marangu
Last Update 08/15/2024
Completion Time 14 hours
Members 4
Lower Primary Education 8-Year-Olds Grade 3 Writing Grammar Listening and Speaking Reading
  • Active Listening: Sharpening Your Focus
    3Lessons · 36 min
  • Speech Sounds and Word Knowledge
    5Lessons · 1 hr
  • Language Structures and Usage
    4Lessons · 48 min
    • G3EA: 012 - Subject-Verb Agreement for Correct Sentence Formation.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 013 - Building Correct Sentences for Daily Activities.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 014 - Describing Daily Activities and Timing.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 015 - Subject-Verb Agreement for Effective Communication.
      10 xp
  • Language: Speech and Writing
    32Lessons · 6 hr 24 min
    • G3EA: 017 - Identifying Indefinite Pronouns for Home and School Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 018 - Using Indefinite Pronouns for Daily Activities at Home and School.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 019 - Mastering Indefinite Pronouns in Everyday Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 020 - Irregular Noun Forms for Effective Speaking.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 021 - Singular and Plural Irregular Nouns for Clear Communication
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 022 - Pluralizing Irregular Nouns for Home and School Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 023 - Irregular Noun Forms in Fun Games.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 024 - Future Time Expressions for Effective Speaking.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 025 - Future Aspirations: Using 'Will'/'Shall' for expressing future desires.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 026 - Mastering 'Will' and 'Shall' for Future Time and Intentions.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 027 - Opposites for Effective Speaking.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 028 - Advanced Opposite Vocabulary for Safety in Home, School, and Environment.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 029 - Effective Communication through Opposites in Conversations.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 030 - Prepositions for Accurate Conversation.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 031 - Describing Position and Location in the Park Using Prepositions.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 032 - Describing Positions and Locations with Prepositions for Effective Speaking.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 033 - Wh-Word Identification for Effective Speaking.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 034 - Inquiry Skills for Saving: Using 'What', 'When', 'How', 'Why', and 'Where'.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 035 - Effective Question Response Techniques for Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 036 - Mastering WH- Words for Effective Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 037 - Describing Nouns Clearly in Oral Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 038 - Descriptive Adjectives in Festivals.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 039 - Describing Nouns with Color, Size, Shape, and Number.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 039 - Describing Nouns with Color, Size, Shape, and Number.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 040 - Describing People and Things in Playtime and Sports Day.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 041 - Forming Comparatives and Superlatives for Effective Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 042 - Describing with Comparatives and Superlatives.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 042 - Describing with Comparatives and Superlatives
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 043 - Conjunction Usage: 'and' and 'but' Differentiation.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 044 - Conjunctions for Discussing Nutrition and Diseases.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 044 - Conjunctions in Nutrition and Disease Discussions.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 045 - Conveying Meaning with Conjunctions.
      10 xp
  • Letter Sound Mastery
    5Lessons · 1 hr
    • G3EA: 047 - Advanced Word Recognition for Reading Comprehension.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 047 - Advanced Word Recognition for Reading
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 048 - Blending Sounds for Advanced Word Reading.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 048 - Blending Sounds for Advanced Word Reading.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 049 - Sound Synergy in Reading Appreciation.
      10 xp
  • Word Mastery: Enhancing Reading Skills
    3Lessons · 36 min
    • G3EA: 051 - Decoding Complex Words for Effective Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 052 - Developing Advanced Vocabulary Skills in Context.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 053 - Reading Success with Grade-Level Vocabulary.
      10 xp
  • Fluent Text: Enhancing Connection and Flow
    3Lessons · 36 min
    • G3EA: 055 - Transitioning to Fluent Reading of 200-word Texts.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 056 - Fluent and Expressive Reading at 90 WPM.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 057 - Exploring Diverse Grade-Level Texts
      10 xp
  • Reading Comprehension: Understanding and Interpretation
    4Lessons · 48 min
    • G3EA: 059 - Predicting Outcomes from Visuals and Titles.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 060 - Storytelling for Improved Oral Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 061 - Answering Questions Based on a 200-Word Text.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 062 - Relating Personal Experiences to Story Context.
      10 xp
  • Writing Legibility: Mastering Handwriting
    2Lessons · 24 min
    • G3EA: 064 - Clear and Legible Handwriting for Effective Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 065 - Clear and Legible Writing for Various Purposes
      10 xp
  • Spellcheck and Accuracy
    2Lessons · 24 min
    • G3EA: 067 - Accurate Spelling and Writing for Effective Communication.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 068 - Clear and Correct Writing for Various Purposes.
      10 xp
  • Mastering Punctuation
    3Lessons · 36 min
    • G3EA: 070 - Punctuation Recognition in Text.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 071 - Punctuation Mastery: Correct Usage of Full Stops, Capitalization, Questions, and Exclamations.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 072 - Punctuation and Capitalization in Writing.
      10 xp
  • Writing Workshop: A Step-by-Step Guide
    4Lessons · 48 min
    • G3EA: 074 - Vocabulary Mastery Through Sentence Completion.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 075 - Word Form and Meaning for Gap Filling.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 076 - Word Rearrangement for Concise Phrases and Sentences.
      10 xp
    • G3EA: 077 - Writing Meaningful and Correct Language.
      10 xp