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G5E: 007 - Linking Listening Skills to Communication Success.

"The Pronunciation Pals: Adventures in Phoneticsville"

In the captivating realm of Listening and Speaking, the focus shines brightly on Pronunciation and Vocabulary through the exploration of Listening Comprehension: Oral Narratives. Embark on a journey of discovery as we unravel the melodic sounds of /ʌ/ in words like cup and but, followed by the resonant /ɑː/ in fast, far, hard, and car, across two engaging lessons. Dive deeper into the symphony of language by delving into sounds like /A/ as in cup and but, and /a:/ as in fast, far, hard, and car. Be prepared to enhance your pronunciation finesse and lexical prowess through a series of immersive activities and a thrilling quiz that awaits at the culmination of this enriching exploration. Get ready to be spellbound by the enchanting world of oral narratives and phonetic marvels!

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1. What sound is represented by the phonetic symbol /ʌ/ in words like "cup" and "but"?
2. Which sound is illustrated by the phonetic symbol /ɑː/ in words like "fast," "far," and "hard"?
3. What sound is denoted by the phonetic symbol /æ/ in words like "cat" and "bat"?
4. Which sound is represented by the phonetic symbol /a:/ in words like "car" and "start"?